Meeting #:
RDN Board Chambers

This meeting will be recorded


  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the minutes of the Regular Board meeting held May 22, 2018, be adopted.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the grant application from Cedar Community Association for $3,160.51 be approved.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That Thelma Griffiths Community Park be considered as a pilot park for entrance and interpretive signage.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board consider the installation of a Regional District of Nanaimo communication board at the Cedar Plaza Tipple.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee (Items 2 and 3 added)

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - One Vote)

    1. That the draft development permit areas and temporary use permit areas be endorsed and First Nation, public and stakeholder consultation be initiated in accordance with the approved public consultation program for the Development permit and Temporary use permit Areas Standardization Project.

  • 2. That the draft Temporary Use Permit Areas text be amended so that for the East Wellington - Pleasant Valley Official Community Plan Area, section 2 only applies to the Resource designation.

  • 3. That consultation on the draft development permit areas seeks input on an additional exemption from the Farmland Protection Development Permit Area for existing small lots.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Variance
Permit Application No. PL2018-055 - 609 Hawthorne Rise, Electoral Area 'G'

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Variance Permit No. PL2018-055 to reduce the Other Lot Line setback subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachments 2 to 4.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2018-058 - 796 Mariner Way, Electoral Area 'G'

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Variance Permit No. PL2018-058 to reduce the Interior Side Lot Line subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachments 2 to 4.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - One Vote)

    1. That the Board receive the Summary of the Public Information Meeting held on April 9, 2018.

  • 2. That the Board require the applicant to complete the conditions as set out in Attachment 2 as a condition of Amendment Bylaw No. 500.418 being adopted.

  • 3. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.418, 2018”, be introduced and read two times.

  • 4. That the public hearing for “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.418, 2018” be waived and notice of the Board’s intent to consider third reading be given in accordance with Section 467 of the Local Government Act.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - One Vote)

    1. That the Board receive the Summary of the Public Information Meeting held on May 16, 2018.

  • 2. That the Board require the applicant to complete the conditions as set out in Attachment 2 as a condition of Amendment Bylaw No. 500.420 being adopted.

  • 3. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.420, 2018”, be introduced and read two times.

  • 4. That the Public Hearing on “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.420, 2018”, be chaired by Director Veenhof or his alternate.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the Board consider submissions or comments from the public regarding Liquor Licence Amendment Application No. PL2018-074.

  • 2. That the Board adopt the resolution pertaining to Liquor Licence Amendment Application No. PL2018-074 attached to this report as Attachment 2.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except 'B' - Weighted Vote)

    That the Standardization of Fire Halls Project be endorsed.

Please note: Committee recommendation came from Business Arising from Directors' Forum

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except 'B' - One Vote)

    That staff be directed to prepare a report on the use and collection of Development Cost Charges.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the D69 Recreation Services Master Plan Steering Committee work together with Regional District of Nanaimo staff and consultants to formulate a revised recreation facility development strategy for three top priority items as follows:

    1. Minimum Ravensong Pool upgrade proposal to address critical current user concerns and define a low cost upgrade recommendation to move forward quickly with a referendum to proceed.
    2. Minimum cost replacement of the old track at Ballenas Secondary School and a proposal for an 8 lane rubberized track and field facility at a future location.
    3. Continuation and finalization of the centralized land purchase strategy as defined in the July 2006 Recreation Services Master Plan for Oceanside section 7.2.
  • 2. That when the District 69 Recreation Commission and Regional District of Nanaimo Board are considering recreation infrastructure projects in the District 69 (Oceanside) area that they be informed by a financial analysis review process.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    That the following District 69 Youth Recreation Grant applications be approved:

    • Bard to Broadway - youth theatre workshop facility rental - $410
    • Bard to Broadway - performing arts education series facility rental - $1,180
    • Kwalikum Secondary School - Dry Grad - $1,000                 
    • Oceanside Community Arts Council - summer camp supplies - $1,000
    • District 69 (Oceanside) Minor Softball Association - equipment - $2,000
    • Oceanside Track and Field Club - high jump mat - $2,500
    • Parksville Volleyball Club - Community play days, equipment, facility rental - $2,500
    • YoungLife Canada (Qualicum Beach) - food and supplies - $750

    Total - $11,340

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    That the following District 69 Community Recreation Grant applications be approved:

    • Arrowsmith Community Recreation Association - Food Skills for Families – $1,000
    • Arrowsmith Community Recreation Association - Coombs Candy Walk - $2,243
    • Errington Cooperative Preschool - art supplies and games - $1,300
    • Eswyn's Alpine and Rock Garden - signage - $650
    • Parksville Curling Club - Worksafe compliance/ammonia safety equipment - $2,500
    • Parksville Lions Club - Lions Club Free Skates at Oceanside Place - $750
    • Parksville Golden Oldies Sports Association (PGOSA) - 25th Anniversary active living video - $1,000
    • Parksville Senior Athletic Group (Slo-Pitch) - AED at Parksville Community Park - $1,350
    • Qualicum Beach Community Garden Society - materials for garden beds - $2,126
    • Qualicum Community Education and Wellness - family soccer program – $1,500
    • Town of Qualicum Beach - Select Committee on Family Day Celebration - pool rental - $500

    Total - $14,919

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 2018-2022 Board Orientation be approved.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 2019 – 2022 Strategic Planning Process be endorsed.

Please note: the 2017 Annual Financial Report is distributed under separate cover

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 2017 Annual Financial Report and the Statement of Financial Information be approved as presented.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That a meeting be organized with the organizations listed in Attachment 2 as amended to include: The Lighthouse Country Business Association, Gabriola Island Chamber of Commerce Economic Development and Tourism, Snaw-Naw-As First Nation, Snuneymuxw First Nation, Qualicum First Nation, Nanaimo Port Authority and Nanaimo Airport Authority, to consider the creation of a region-wide economic development service; and further

    That to assist with the meeting, a background report that incorporates input from the other organizations be prepared addressing the current state of economic development in the Regional District of Nanaimo. 

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board award a two-year contract for Biosolids Transportation Services to DBL Disposal Services Ltd at an estimated value of $162,000.

  • 2. That the General Manager of Regional and Community Utilities and the Director of Finance be authorized to extend the contract for an additional 2 years if required.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Engineering Services contract for the detailed design of the Chase River Force Main No. 1 Replacement and Pump Station Upgrades Project be awarded to CH2M Hill Canada Limited for $199,682 (excluding GST).

Please note: the Solid Waste Management Plan is distributed under separate cover

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Solid Waste Management Plan be adopted and that the Plan be sent to the Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategy for approval.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into an agreement with the City of Nanaimo to allow the installation of Transit Services radio and auxiliary equipment on an existing tower and related building and provide hydro for $1,200 annually for a five (5) year term commencing April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2023.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Board award the Coombs-Hilliers Fire Department Self Contained Breathing Apparatus contract to Guillevin International at a cost of $227,700.53 before taxes to be funded by the Coombs-Hilliers Fire Service capital reserve fund.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee (Item 2 added)

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board approve the 2018/19 Conventional and Custom Transit Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit.

  • (All Directors, except Electoral Areas 'B' and 'F' - Weighted Vote)

    2. That BC Transit provide the Transit Select Committee with a report detailing what BC Transit management fees cover, and the actual hours utilized in each area of service.

  • (Nanaimo, Lantzville, Electoral Areas ‘A’, ‘C’ - Weighted Vote)

    That the Board approve the improvement of weekday service on Route #40 – VIU express utilizing the January 2019 5,000 Hour Annual Conventional Transit Expansion.

  • (All Directors, except Electoral Areas 'B' and 'F' - Weighted Vote)

    That the $1.00 Fare Analysis for Summer 2018 report be received for information.

  • (Nanaimo, Lantzville, Electoral Areas ‘A’, ‘C’ - Weighted Vote)

    That the Board approve the District of Lantzville’s request for free transit services on the 11 Lantzville route for the Minetown Day event held on Saturday, September 8, 2018.

  • (Electoral Areas ‘E’ and ‘G’ – Weighted Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo adopt its portion of the Englishman River Water Service 2018 – 2022 Financial Plan as outlined in Table 2 attached to the May 15, 2018 report.

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    That the proposed changes to the Northern Community Economic Development (NCED) Application Form and Summary Report be approved.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    That staff prepare a report on alternate approaches to funding the Blade Runners program.

  • (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' - Weighted Vote)

    1. That Lighthouse Country Business Association - Lighthouse Country Familiarization Tour - be awarded $1,200.

  • 2. That Lighthouse Country Business Association - Deep Bay Information Booth - be awarded $4,700.

  • 3. That Qualicum Beach Chamber of Commerce - Social Media Ninja - be awarded $5,240.

  • 4. That Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers Society - Seaside Nature Park “Brant Viewing Platform” - be awarded $5,324 on the condition that it include indigenous history, arts and culture.

  • 5. That Parksville and District Chamber of Commerce Mid Island Tech Forum Strategy - be awarded $4,286.

  • 6. That Community Futures Central Island - LEAP (Local Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program) - be awarded $5,000.

  • 7. That Innovation Island Technology Association - Tech Savvy Talk & Leaders Roundtable - be awarded $4,250.

  • 8. That Central Vancouver Island Job Opportunities Building Society - Blade Runners 2018-2019 - be awarded $20,000.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA 'B' - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board adopt “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.25, 2016”

  • 2. That the Board adopt Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area F Manufactured Home Park Regulations Bylaw No. 1738, 2016”.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board consent to the borrowing of $3,235,354 from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia over a 20 year term for the purpose of funding the City of Nanaimo’s Fire Station #1 reconstruction project.

  • 2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Security Issuing (City of Nanaimo) Bylaw No. 1774, 2018” be introduced and read three times.

  • (All Directors - 2/3 Weighted Vote)

    3. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Security Issuing (City of Nanaimo) Bylaw No. 1774, 2018” be adopted.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the Board receive the District of Lantzville Official Community Plan Bylaw Referral.

  • 2. That the District of Lantzville be advised that an amendment to the Regional Context Statement is required to be submitted to the Regional District of Nanaimo Board for approval.

  • 3. That the District of Lantzville be advised that an amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy is required to recognize the changes to the Growth Containment Boundary within the Official Community Plan.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Board endorse the following projects for submission under the Green Infrastructure – Environmental Quality Program, with a commitment to contribute the Regional District of Nanaimo’s share of the project costs:

    • French Creek Pollution Control Centre Expansion.
    • Chase River Forcemain Replacement.
    • Nanoose Bay Wastewater Upgrades.
    • Regional District of Nanaimo Transit Exchange.
    • Water Governance.
  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board approve the scope change request to integrate the remote control SCADA system of the San Pareil Water Service, as per the attached Contemplated Change Order #1, for a total of $133,638.43 (excluding GST).

  • 2. That the Board authorize the payment to Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd. of additional fees of up to $35,000 for engineering and contract management associated with Change Order #1 above.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That pursuant to Sections 90 (1) (d), (k) and (m) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting for discussions related to security of the property of the municipality, the provision of a proposed service, and a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting.

No Item Selected