Meeting #:
Board Chambers

This meeting will be recorded


  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the minutes of the Regular Board meeting held June 25, 2019, be adopted.

Note: Directors may adopt in one motion all recommendations appearing on the Consent Agenda or, prior to the vote, request an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for debate or discussion, voting in opposition to a recommendation, or declaring a conflict of interest with an item.

Committee recommendations on the Consent Agenda were Carried Unanimously at the Committee level.

  • (Voting rule varies as noted - Unanimous vote required)

    That the following items in the Consent Agenda be adopted by consent:

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Request for Statements of Qualifications be issued to conduct an inventory of existing recreation services, programs and facilities within Electoral Area A.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 5-year Project Plan: 2020-2024 for Community Parks in Electoral Area B be approved with the addition of Rollo Park Management Plan to 2022, the addition of Disk Golf feasibility assessment to Additional Project Suggestions, and the transfer of Bells Landing Water Access Boat Launch Feasibility Study from 2022 to Additional Project Suggestions.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 5-year Project Plan: 2020-2024 for Community Parks in Electoral Area C-EW/PV be approved.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 5-year Project Plan: 2020-2024 for Community Parks in Electoral Area E be approved with the addition of 2020 beach access signage and 2020 Nanoose Road Community Park signage.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the 5-year Project Plan: 2020-2024 for Community Parks in Electoral Area H be approved.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Active Transportation Infrastructure Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure be approved.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That pending project approval by the Union of BC Municipalities, up to $3,000 of unallocated 2019 Electoral Area E Community Works Funds be allocated to the Nanoose Road Community Park for signage.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the schedule for the Board’s consideration of the 2020 to 2024 Financial Plan be approved.

Please note: Attachment 3 - Community Works Projects Completed 2014-2018 has been revised

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Board receive the 2019 Community Works Funds Projects list (Attachment 1).

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the Chair appoint a Director as the Regional District of Nanaimo representative to the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Roundtable.

  • 2. That an amendment be made to "Regional District of Nanaimo Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1754, 2017" to add the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Roundtable to Schedule B - External Appointments.

Please note: Table 3 in the staff report has been revised to reflect all member participation

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the Board approve the ten electric vehicle charging station locations identified in this report for the CleanBC Communities Fund grant application.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    2. That the Board allocate $222,222 in the 2020 budget from the Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund for the installation of ten public electric vehicle charging stations, subject to receipt of a $162,222 CleanBC Communities Fund grant to reimburse the Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    3. That the Board direct staff to prepare a bylaw to create a new service area for the ongoing operations, maintenance and procurement of electric vehicle charging stations.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    4. That the proposed 2020 budget contain $25,000 for annual operating, maintenance and replacement costs for the electric vehicle charging station service.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Board endorse the Community Energy Leadership Program grant application to the Fraser Basin Council for the Ravensong Aquatic Centre Solar Hot Water Heating Project.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into a License to Occupy Agreement with School District No. 69 (Qualicum) for recreation program space at both Craig Street Commons (Parksville) and Qualicum Commons (Qualicum Beach) for a term of fifty-four (54) months commencing January 1st, 2020 through June 30th, 2024.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That “Fairwinds Streetlighting Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 789.05, 2019” be introduced and read three times.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 889.74, 2019" be introduced and read three times.

  • 2. That "Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1021.13, 2019" be introduced and read three times.

  • (Nanaimo, Lantzville, Electoral Areas A, C - Weighted Vote)

    That the South Nanaimo Local Area Transit Plan be adopted and that the improvement priorities identified therein, be added to the Regional District of Nanaimo Transit Service Priorities List for future expansion consideration.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the 2019/2020 Conventional and Custom Transit Annual Operating Agreements with BC Transit be approved.

  • (All Directors, except Electoral Areas B and F - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the 5,900 hour annual conventional transit expansion for January 2020 be approved.

  • 2. That the 1,700 hour annual custom transit expansion for January 2020 be approved.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the BC Transit 3-year budget from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023 be included in the Regional District of Nanaimo’s 5-year Financial Plan.

  • 2. That $130,000 be added to the 2020 Financial Plan to begin a transit network review.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2019-076 - 862 Poplar Way, Electoral Area F

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Permit with Variance No. PL2019-076 to permit the construction of an accessory building subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 2.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2018-207 - Lot 2, Island Highway West, Electoral Area H

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Permit with Variance No. PL2018-207 to permit the development of a dwelling unit, accessory buildings and structures, driveway, stream crossings, yard area, and onsite servicing subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 2, Schedules 1 to 3.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2019-072 - 585 Wain Road, Electoral Area G

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Permit with Variance No. PL2019-072 to permit the construction of an addition to the dwelling unit and the accessory building subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 2.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That "Southern Community Sewer Local Service Secondary Treatment Capital Improvements Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1793, 2019" be introduced and read three times.

  • (All Directors - 2/3 Weighted Vote)

    2. That "Southern Community Sewer Local Service Secondary Treatment Capital Improvements Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1793, 2019 be adopted.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    1. That the report for the public hearing held on June 18, 2019 for "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.426" be received.

  • 2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.426" be read a third time.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote / 2/3)

    3. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.426" be adopted.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    4. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Bylaw Notice Amendment Bylaw No. 1786.02, 2019” be introduced and read three times.

  • (All Directors - One Vote / 2/3)

    5. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Bylaw Notice Amendment Bylaw No. 1786.02, 2019” be adopted.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying staff report

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board review the Terms of Reference of the Solid Waste Management Select Committee.

  • (Nanaimo, Lantzville, Electoral Areas A, C - Weighted Vote)

    That Lantzville’s request for free transit services on the Route 11 Lantzville for ‘Minetown Day’ event held on Saturday, September 7, 2019 be approved.


  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board adopt “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.423, 2019”.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board give third reading to “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 1285.32, 2019”.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 2018 Overview report be received for information.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the report Update on Regional Economic Development Review be received for information.

  • 2. That the Board direct staff to proceed with hosting a regional workshop following the completion of the City of Nanaimo workshop.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board endorse the submission (Attachment 1) to the Private Managed Forest Land Program review.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. "That Regional District of Nanaimo Board Remuneration, Expenses and Benefits Amendment Bylaw No. 1770.03, 2019" be introduced and read three times.

  • (All Directors - One Vote / 2/3)

    2. "That Regional District of Nanaimo Board Remuneration, Expenses and Benefits Amendment Bylaw No. 1770.03, 2019" be adopted.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    3. That the Volunteer Mileage Reimbursement Policy A2.19, as amended and outlined in Attachment 3, be adopted.

  • 4. That the Board Members’ Equipment and Expense Claims Policy A1.31 as amended and outlined in Attachment 4, be adopted.

  • 5. That the Minister of National Revenue of the Government of Canada amend the Income Tax Act to provide an allowance paid for non-motor vehicle modes of transportation, excluded from the income of a taxpayer.

Alternate Director Stanhope provided notice of the following motion at the July 9, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting:

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That pending project approval by the Union of BC Municipalities, up to $35,000 of unallocated 2019 Electoral Area G Community Works Funds be allocated to the Maple Lane Playground Project and that $15,000 of Area G Community Parks Reserve Funds be added to the 2019 Budget for the project.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That Tricia Mayea be appointed as Chief Election Officer for conducting the 2019 Electoral Area G by-election as per section 59 of the Local Government Act.

  • 2. That Delcy Wells, Jacquie Hill, Cheryl Golding and Lisa Rowbotham be appointed as Deputy Chief Election Officers for the 2019 Electoral Area G by-election.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That pursuant to the following sections of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting:

    • 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
    • 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
    • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
    • 90(1)(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
    • 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; and
    • 90(1)(m) a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting.
No Item Selected