Meeting #:
Board Chambers

This meeting will be recorded


Note: Directors may adopt in one motion all recommendations appearing on the Consent Agenda or, prior to the vote, request an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for debate or discussion, voting in opposition to a recommendation, or declaring a conflict of interest with an item.

Committee recommendations on the Consent Agenda were Carried Unanimously at the Committee level.

(Voting rule varies as noted - Unanimous vote required)

That the following items on the Consent Agenda be adopted by consent:

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Board endorse issuing a Request for Qualifications to select a Fire Apparatus Manufacturer/Dealer as a preferred supplier for a five (5) year term.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the grant application for $25,000 to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities for training for the Extension Fire Department be endorsed.

  • 2. That the grant application for $25,000 to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities for the purchase of equipment for the Nanoose Fire Department be endorsed.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board endorse awarding the purchase of a single-axle, 4-door fire rescue engine to Fort Garry Fire Trucks Ltd.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    2. That the Board endorse releasing up to $700,000 from the Extension Fire Service Vehicle and Equipment Reserve Fund to negotiate a contract with Fort Garry Trucks Ltd for the purchase of the fire rescue engine.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into a contract with NAI Commercial, Central Vancouver Island Ltd. for a three-year term beginning November 1, 2019, with an option to extend up to an additional two years, for the management of building and property maintenance and other related services for the Main Administration Office building, Transit Administration building, and off-site premises including transit exchanges, respites and bus shelters, at total contract value of $614,971.00.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Board approve up to $50,000 to be allocated from the Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund to prepare a Corporate Carbon Neutral 2032 Plan.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1. That the Board approves the award for Detailed Design of the Bay Avenue Pump Station Upgrade to Koers & Associates Engineering for $454,847 (Excluding GST).

  • 2. That the Board approves a management reserve of $45,485 (10% of the contract price) in order to accommodate additional expenses that may be incurred during the Detailed Design Phase of this project.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying report

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the following Community Grants be awarded and included in the 2020 budget:

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Vancouver Island - $3,000.00           
    • Coastal Invasive Species Committee Society - $2,250.00
    • First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo - Unitarian Shelter - $0
    • Gabriola Arts Council - $0
    • Gabriola Commons Foundation - $0
    • Gabriola Historical Museum Society - $7,000.00
    • Gabriola Island Community Hall Association - $3,627.50
    • Gabriola Island Recycling Organization - $0
    • Gabriola Land & Trails Trust - $1,923.00
    • Gabriola Senior Citizens Association - $2,100.00
    • Lighthouse Community Centre Society - $0
    • Mount Arrowsmith Pipe Band Association - $2,000.00
    • Mudge Island Citizens Society - $0
    • Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association - $3,278.00
    • Nanoose Bay Lions Club - $1,900.00
    • Oceanside Community Makerspace Society - $1,750.00
    • Oceanside Hospice Society - $2,000.00
    • Parksville and District Historical Society (Parksville Museum) - $0
    • Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 211, Bowser - $6,000.00
    • Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 256, Mount Benson - $21,000.00
    • The Hope Centre - $4,784.04
    • Yellow Point Drama Group - $6,636.69

    Total: $69,249.23

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying report

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Community Grants Policy A1-30 be amended to exclude applications of a retroactive nature.

Please note: Committee recommendation has no accompanying report

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Community Grants deadline be moved to the last Friday in April.

  • (All Directors, except Electoral Areas B and F - Weighted Vote)

    That the handyDART Taxi Saver program frequency be changed to 60 days, and the purchase amount be increased to $80.00, maintaining the requirement of a minimum of one handyDART trip within the 60-day period.

  • (All Directors, except Electoral Areas B and F - Weighted Vote)

    That Conventional Transit on Christmas Day, December 25, 2019, be provided at Sunday level of service.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    1.  That the Regional District of Nanaimo approve the amended Licence of Occupation and Use Agreement for 1 Port Drive with the City of Nanaimo extending the agreement to June 30, 2020.

  • 2.  That the Regional District of Nanaimo consent to permit the temporary use of 575 Fitzwilliam ‘Prideaux Exchange’ for a parking lot for use by RCMP members and staff, until the Regional District of Nanaimo resumes use of the Prideaux Exchange.

Delegations Wishing to Speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2019-169 - 3180 Adshead Road, Electoral Area A

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Development Variance Permit No. PL2019-169 to reduce the required setback from a proposed property line for an existing building that houses livestock from 30.0 metres to 16.5 metres subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 2.

  • (Electoral Area Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board approve Floodplain Bylaw Exemption Application No. PL2019-180 to permit the construction of a dwelling unit subject to the conditions outlined in Attachments 2 to 5.

Please note: The original recommendation was varied by the Committee

  • (All Directors, except EA B - One Vote)

    That the Board proceed with Option 2 - full Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) review, including a review of the Growth Containment Boundaries specifically in relation to the village nodes, and that a report be prepared to the Board on a Consultation Plan for the review.

Please note: Revised 2019-2020 Operational Plan attached

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That the Board endorse the Regional District of Nanaimo 2019 - 2020 Operational Plan Update.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    1. That the Board direct staff to draft service area and reserve fund bylaws to create a new service area for the ongoing operations, maintenance and procurement of electric vehicle charging stations for Electoral Areas B, E, F, G and H.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    2. That $6,575 be included in the 2020 budget to cover six months of operational costs following procurement and installation.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    3. That staff be directed to proceed with an alternative approval process for establishment of a new electric vehicle charging station service.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That Community Grants Policy A1-30 be amended as presented.

  • (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

    That the Board amend the 2019 Financial Plan to include the expenditure of $87,426.59 for emergency repairs to Carmichael Road resulting from a watermain break in the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    That "Fairwinds Streetlighting Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 789.05, 2019" be adopted.

  • (All Directors - One Vote)

    It was moved and seconded that pursuant to the following sections of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting:

    • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
    • 90(1)(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and
    • 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
No Item Selected