Meeting #:
RDN Board Chambers
 This meeting will be recorded

  • That the minutes of the Regular Committee of the Whole meeting held June 12, 2018, be adopted.
  • 1. That the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into standing offer agreements with Lidstone & Company and Young Anderson for the provision of routine legal services, including construction law advice.

  • 2. That the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into standing offer agreements with Harris & Company and Lidstone & Company for the provision of routine legal services for Employment and Labour Law.

  • 3. That the Board authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to engage alternate legal services providers when required.

  • 1. That the 2017 Regional Growth Strategy Annual Report – Implementation and Progress, be endorsed.

  • 2. That a letter be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to request that the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory data be updated.

  • 3. That the Regional Growth Strategy policies relating to affordable housing be included in the approved Focused Regional Growth Strategy Review.

  • 1. That the Board endorse a Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System.

  • 2. That the Board direct the preparation of bylaws, policies and agreements for the implementation of the Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System provided for in the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act, for the Board’s approval.

  • 3. That the Board direct staff to work with Court Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General to request the Lieutenant Governor in Council of the Province of British Columbia enact a Regulation under Section 29 of the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act, applying the Act to the Regional District of Nanaimo.

  • That staff be directed to report back upon the completion of the Water System Risk Management Plan.

  • 1. That the Board award the construction contract for the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Pump Station to Windley Construction Ltd. for $1,713,119.00 (excluding GST).

  • 2. That the Board approve the addition of $375,000 to the project budget.

  • That the Board award the Engineering Services contract for the detailed design, tendering and construction services for the French Creek Pollution Control Centre Stage 4 Expansion Project and Odour Control Upgrades to AECOM for $2,506,980 (excluding GST).

  • That “Bowser Village Sanitary Sewer Service Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 1773, 2018” be read three times and adopted.

  • That “Bow Horn Bay Fire Protection Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1385.09, 2018” be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.

  • That “Dashwood Fire Protection Service Amendment Bylaw No. 964.06, 2018” be introduced and read three times.

  • That pursuant to Section 90 (1) (k) of the Community Charter the Committee proceed to an In Camera meeting for discussions related to the provision of a proposed service.